If you’ve been looking for the right opportunity to join the Yak Rover project, and perhaps build your own rover, or contribute a piece to someone else’s, tonight’s Yak Rover meeting might be for you. Build leader Anuraj will be leading a discussion on how to get started, including low-cost kit options to suit every budget. We’ll talk about every level of the rover stack from mechanical and electronics design to single-board computer options, programming, and simulation. Whether you’re a newbie without much technical experience or an experienced robotics hacker looking to get into rovers, we’ll get you going.
This is part of our regular weekly meeting track on Mondays at 9:45 PM US Pacific (Tuesdays 0545 AM UTC). To join tonight’s session, join our Discord and then drop in to the ⌗yak-rover channel where we hang out. The zoom link will be posted there shortly before we start.
The Yak Rover project is an initiative of the Yak Collective. You can learn more about the collective and our other activities here.