One of the strengths of the Yak Collective is the diversity of people, skills, and opinions here. We have a client willing to pay to tap this.
Two years ago the Yak Collective did the Neurofuturama project, where contributors gave fifteen different views of potential new uses for a technology. (Work product was/is embargoed, sorry it can’t be made public.)
A new client wants to do something similar. This company has three products relating to the sustainability world and wants to get wide-ranging sketches for how these products can enter the market.
All three products ideas have an envisioning upcycling plastics theme. No specialized knowledge is necessary. The deliverable will be in the same slide deck format as the Don’t Waste the Reboot deck.
There’s room for 8 – 15 participants, each of who will make between 200 – 1,200 USD, depending on the number of contributions. We are targeting 18 contributions. There is also a budget for artwork and graphic design — if you have those skills, please consider applying.
We’ve structured the project timeline to be minimally disruptive to December and holiday plans and will also be giving dibs on participation to people who have contributed to previous or ongoing projects and/or have done significant volunteer work on infrastructure/backend, etc.
The contributions solicitations for this second paid client project went live this morning in the ⌗announcements channel on the Yak Collective Discord. You’ll have until November 30 to sign up.
And if you’re not already a member, new participants welcome to apply to participate, join us here.